CESBC Webinar :
New possibilities: Using art to analyze data, draft recommendations, and promote reflexivity with Maya Lefkowich and Jennica Nichols
WHEN: Friday, April 23, 2021 from 12 pm to 1 pm Pacific Time
WHERE: CESBC webinars take place online using Zoom platform. You can check your computer's requirements here
COST: Free (long distance charges may apply if you dial in rather than use Zoom app)
REGISTRATION: Register on Zoom
Can't join the webinar? Want to discuss this topic further? Join us in our social event later the same day: CESBC | Evaluation Social
Presented by Maya Lefkowich and Jennica Nichols
Webinar description:
Despite its incredible potential to pose relevant questions, explore data effectively, and engage clients and stakeholders, arts are underutilized in evaluation. We are changing this!
This webinar will demonstrate how you can use art-based tools three different ways. First, we share strategies for using art in reflexive practice to support your own professional learning. Then, we dive into data and illustrate how an arts tool can be used in your qualitative analysis. Finally, we turn our attention to recommendations. Together, we will draft user-centred recommendations and discuss how this strategy can save you time while also bolstering evaluation use.
Throughout the webinar, we use real-world examples from our own work practice. And, facilitate a hands-on activity so you’ll have a chance to practice new techniques. Whether you are working on a project at present or are just curious to learn, you’ll leave this webinar with an understanding of how to adopt three creative techniques in your practice.
Do I need to have any experience with art to participate?
No! No experience necessary. You will not be required to do or make anything and it is entirely up to you if you want to share outputs from the activities.
Do I need to bring any art supplies?
If you choose to work offline and join by phone, you may want to print our handout ahead of time and bring a dark colour marker (black, brown, navy). If you join us from a computer, smart phone, or tablet, make sure you have a word processing or PDF application with a highlight tool.
I am sceptical of art because I think it is subjective, time-consuming, and/or not of interest to my clients. Should I come?
Yes! You’ll be in good company. We are sceptical too. That’s why we don’t just advocate for arts-based methods. We evaluate them! Just like any method, not all techniques are right for all projects. We talk about when, how, and why to use (and not use) techniques ethically and to the benefit of your project and clients.
Poem Activity
[Download Instructions]
As part of the upcoming webinar, we invite you to do a quick and fun arts-based activity.
What: Write a haiku about evaluation. Don’t overthink it!
- 1. Set a timer for 5 minutes (that’s it)
- 2. Write what first comes to mind when you think of evaluation.
(Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this.)
- 3. Give your poem a title
Haiku is a three-line poem. The first and last lines have 5 syllables, and the middle line has 7 syllables.
Here are two example haikus written by Jennica.
Research-based theatre as an intervention
Sound, movement, and words
Engaging our hearts and minds
Creating magic
Pandemic struggles
New foe and less joy
How does this keep getting worse?
Must anchor in hope
Why: At the webinar, we will discuss how haikus can be used in your evaluation practice. Our own poems (and yours if you choose to share) will serve as helpful examples. We would love if you had a chance to try this exercise out before the webinar to enhance your learning.
Now what: If you are comfortable with your poem being shared during the webinar, we invite you to email it to us at admin@andimplmentation.ca. In your email, tell us if you want your name to be included or if you prefer to be anonymous. Either is find by us! We’ll share our poems too – we never ask for things that we wouldn’t do ourselves. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, please bring your poem with you to the webinar so you can reflect independently.
What else: We will do another activity together during the webinar. You’ll need to download or print the CES Ethics document. Make sure you have a dark colour marker or a PDF reader with a highlight function. https://evaluationcanada.ca/sites/default/files/ces_ethics_ethique_sce.pdf
Biographies of presenters:
Jennica Nichols and Maya Lefkowich are the co-founders of AND implementation, a one-stop-shop for evaluation, implementation science, research, and training. Their practice centres on use, reciprocity, social justice, and creativity. Jennica is a credentialed evaluator with 10 years of experience working in the health and development sectors. She holds a Masters of Public Health in epidemiology and is finishing her PhD using research-based theatre to facilitate collaborative knowledge translation and intervention design. Maya is a researcher, artist, and emerging evaluator with experience working in community and arts sectors. She holds a PhD in interdisciplinary studies and focuses on anti-oppressive arts-based methods. Together, they are passionate about promoting imaginative and responsible evaluation!.

If you have any questions, please contact Damien Chen at BC+LowerMainland@evaluationcanada.ca