AGM News

  • 02 Nov 2023 18:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CESBC AGM 2023 - President's Report

    2023 CESBC AGM Election News

    Our Chapter AGM was held on October 27, 2023 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  Megan Ondr-Cooper (Secretary), Christine Cassar (Member-at-Large Conference Support), Julia Langton (Member-at-Large Professional Development and Communications), Becky Gormley (Lower Mainland Coordinator), Eirini Giannaraki (Student and Emerging Evaluators Coordinator), Don Murray (Okanagan/Interior Coordinator), and Simran Jawanda (Northern Coordinator) had decided to step away from their positions.  Three other Executive Council positions were also up for election.

    In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Brian McGowan chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • Vice President; Slavica Stevonovic - elected
    • Secretary; Becky Gormley - elected
    • Member-at-Large Conference Lead; Angela Randall - elected
    • Member-at-Large Conference Support; Mel Michener - elected
    • Member-at-Large Membership Secretary; Golareh Habibi - elected
    • Member-at-Large Professional Development and Communication; Hafsa Sadiq - elected.

    All elections were by acclamation.

    Written statements were received from CESBC members expressing their interest in the following Coordinator positions:

    • Student and Emerging Evaluators (SEE) Coordinator; Mai Berger
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator #1; Karsang Magar
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator #2; Bindu Mohan
    • Northern BC Coordinator; Christiana Onabola

    The Okanagan/Interior Coordinator is also vacant, but Gene Krupa has expressed potential interest.

    Decisions on the Coordinator positions will be made by the new Council in the near future.

    It is anticipated that our Council additions will bring energy, skills and experience to our team as we look forward to an exciting new year.

    Brian McGowan
    Chair, CESBC 2023 Nominations Committee

  • 08 Nov 2022 20:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CESBC AGM 2022 - President's Report

    2022 CESBC AGM Election News

    Our Chapter AGM was held on October 28, 2022 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  With Jeanne Legare (Treasurer), Beth Gardner and Sarah Boorman (National Council Representatives), and Cassandra Parsons (Student and Emerging Evaluators Coordinator) stepping away, plus the absence of a President, there were at least 3 vacant Council positions and 4 vacant Coordinator positions.  In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Brian McGowan chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • President: Kasra Hassani - elected
    • National Council Representative: Helaine Krystkowiak - elected
    • Treasurer: Anne Worthington – recommended as a post-AGM Council appointment
    • Member at Large (Conference co-Lead 2): vacant (and not filled) after Kasra was elected President.

    All elections were by acclamation.

    • Vice-President: Slavica Stevanovic - continuing term
    • Secretary: Megan Ondr-Cooper - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Membership Secretary): Golareh Habibi - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Professional Development & Communication): Julia Langton - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Conference co-Lead 1): Melanie Michener - continuing term

    In addition, the following members are recommended as post-AGM Council appointments for Coordinator positions:

    • Student and Emerging Evaluators (SEE) Coordinator: Eirini Giannaraki
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator #2: Becky Gormley
    • Northern BC Coordinator: Simran Jawanda
    • Vancouver Island Coordinator: Michelle Vanchu-Orosco - continuing term
    • Vancouver Island Coordinator 2: Vacant
    • National Council Representative 2: Vacant
    • BC Interior / Okanagan Coordinator: Don Murray - continuing term
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator 1: Reilly Baldwin - continuing term

    Our new additions bring energy, skills and experience to Council as we look forward to an exciting new year.

    Brian McGowan

    Chair, CESBC 2022 Nominations Committee

  • 01 Dec 2021 18:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Read the CESBC AGM 2021 - President's Report

    2021 CESBC AGM Election News

    Our Chapter AGM was held on November 19, 2021 using the Zoom Platform.  There were six positions up for election this year (President, Vice President, Secretary, Member at Large (Professional Development & Communication), Member-at-Large (Membership), Member-at-Large (Conference Lead), and Member-at-Large (Conference Support). In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Diana Tindall chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • President: Currently Vacant
    • Treasurer:  Jeanne Legare - continuing term
    • National Representative: Lisa O’Reilly - continuing term
    • Vice-President: Slavica Stevanovic - elected
    • Secretary: Megan Ondr-Cooper - elected
    • Member at Large (Membership Secretary): Golareh Habibi - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Professional Development & Communication): Julia Langton - elected
    • Member at Large (Conference): Kasra Hassani - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Conference Support): Melanie Michener - elected

    Appointed positions:

    • Vancouver Island Coordinator: Michelle Vanchu-Orosco
    • Vancouver Island Coordinator 2: Vacant
    • Student & Emerging Evaluators Coordinator: Cassandra Parsons
    • BC Interior / Okanagan Coordinator: Don Murray
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator: Damien Chen
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator 2: Reilly Baldwin
    • Northern BC Coordinator: Vacant

  • 25 Nov 2020 18:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Read the CESBC AGM 2020 (2020 Council) - President's Report

    2020 CESBC AGM Election News

    Our Chapter AGM was held on November 20, 2020 using Zoom Platform.  Only the position of Secretary was up for re-election.  In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Michelle Naimi chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • Treasurer;  Jeanne Legare - re-elected
    • President; Beth Snow - continuing term
    • National Representative; Lisa O’Reilly - continuing term
    • Vice-President; Sheila Matano - continuing term
    • Secretary; Kile Brokop - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Membership Secretary); Golareh Habibi - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Professional Development & Communication); Marla Steinberg - continuing term
    • Member at Large (Conference); Tatiana Popovitskaia - continuing term
    • Member at Large (non-specific portfolio); Colleen Craig - continuing term.

    Appointed positions:

    • Vancouver Island Coordinator: Margaret Forbes
    • Vancouver Island Coordinator: Claire Curtis
    • Student & Emerging Evaluators Coordinator: Cassandra Parsons
    • BC Interior / Okanagan Coordinator: Don Murray
    • Lower Mainland Coordinator: Damien Chen

  • 05 Feb 2020 20:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Read the CESBC AGM 2020 (2019) - President's Report

    2020 CESBC AGM Election News

    Our Chapter AGM was held on January 24, 2020 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  With Diana Tindall (National Representative), Eyyub Hajiyev (Vice-President) and Rachael Douglas (Member at Large – Conference) stepping away from our Chapter Executive Council (CEC), there were at least three vacant Council positions.  In addition, the positions of President and Secretary were up for re-election.  In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Brian McGowan chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • ·         President; Beth Snow - re-elected
    • ·         National Representative; Lisa O’Reilly - elected
    • ·         Vice-President; Sheila Matano - elected
    • ·         Secretary; Kile Brokop - re-elected
    • ·         Member at Large (Membership Secretary); Golareh Habibi - elected
    • ·         Member at Large (Professional Development & Communication); Marla Steinberg - elected
    • ·         Member at Large (Conference); Tatiana Popovitskaia - elected
    • ·         Member at Large (non-specific portfolio); Colleen Craig - elected.

    Both Lisa and Marla bring Council experience to their new positions.  Sheila, Golareh, Tatiana, and Colleen are newly elected to the CEC and look forward to helping to serve the needs of our membership.

    Brian McGowan

    Chair, CESBC 2020 Nominating Committee

  • 06 Dec 2018 19:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Read the CESBC AGM 2018 - President's Report

    AGM News

    The CESBC AGM was held on November 30, 2018 at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver. In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in CESBCY Chapter Bylaws, Beth Snow chaired the AGM election which produced the following results:

    • Secretary; Kile Brokop was elected by acclamation

    • Treasurer; Jeanne Legare was elected by acclamation

    • Member at Large (Membership); Lisa O'Reilly was was elected by acclamation

    • Member at Large (Professional Development and Communication); Damien Chen was elected by acclamation

    Kile brings experience to the position of secretary, having served in that role for the past year. Jeanne, Damien, and Lisa are newly elected to the CEC and look forward to helping to serve the needs of our membership.

    Beth Snow

    President, CESBC 2018 Nominating Committee Member

  • 08 Nov 2018 19:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nomination process can be found here Please see document CESBC_AGM_Notice 2018.pdf which includes the AGM agenda and a call for nominations.

    Read more about Executive Roles & Responsibilities.

  • 04 Dec 2017 19:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The CESBCY AGM was held on November 24, 2017 at SFU Harbour Centre in Vancouver. In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in CESBCY Chapter Bylaws, Sandra Sellick chaired the AGM election which produced the following results:

    • President; Beth Snow was elected
    • Vice President; Eyyub Hajiyev, was elected
    • Secretary; Kile Brokop was elected by acclamation
    • CES National Representative: Diana Tindall was elected
    • Member at Large (Professional Development and Communication); Will Yang was elected by acclamation
    • Member at Large (CESBCY Annual Conference); Rachel Douglas was elected by acclamation
    • Member at Large (Website); Marla Steinberg was elected by acclamation

    Beth, Eyyub, Diana and Marla bring Council experience to their positions.  Kile, Will and Rachel are newly elected to the CEC and look forward to helping to serve the needs of our membership.

    Sarah Farina

    Past President, CESBCY 2017 Nominating Committee Member

  • 07 Sep 2017 13:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nomination process can be found here Please see document  CESBCY AGM Notice 2017.pdf which includes the AGM agenda and a call for nominations..  


    The role of the President is to guide and oversee the affairs of the Chapter Executive Committee (CEC). CEC members are expected to provide leadership and act responsibly on behalf of Chapter members, and actively support and uphold the spirit of partnership, teamwork, mutual respect, openness and participation.

    The President ensures that CEC meetings are regularly scheduled so that the business of the Chapter is dealt with in a timely, effective manner; establishes a schedule of ongoing routine CEC activities; ensures that CEC reviews Chapter activities periodically and develops short and long range strategies and goals; presides at Chapter AGMs and CEC meetings; ensures adherence to CEC executive responsibilities regarding funds  allocation and reporting; assigns specific responsibilities and duties to the Vice President; assists the Chapter Secretary with meeting and AGM requirements;  liaises with the National Council with the National Representative if required; and supervises the training of newly elected Members at Large.

    Vice President

    The primary duty of the Vice President is to assist the President in carrying out their duties. The VP is assigned specific, meaningful responsibilities, rather than general duties only.

    Activities include acting in the absence of the President to call or chair meetings or assuming the President’s duties on an interim basis if the President is unable to serve; project and program development  (e.g. professional development and networking initiatives); developing strategic planning initiatives relating to the development of CESBCY membership with the Membership Secretary; other strategic planning (e.g., regarding issues of ethics and accreditation); raising of funds; coordination of special projects; overseeing employment contracts signed by the CEC and communicating with the Treasurer regarding invoicing and payments.


    The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and managing Chapter records and for ensuring that accurate minutes and correspondence are kept.

    This includes accurate reporting of Chapter business and CEC decisions; records maintenance including of Resolutions and Standing Rules; timely distribution of meeting agendas and minutes; tracking of contractor work; AGM arrangements including agenda preparation and distribution; enforcement of Bylaws and Standing Rules; reporting of deviations from approved practice; with the assistance of the President and National Council Representative, ensuring that necessary approvals by CES are obtained, including preparation and exchange of documents.

    National Rep

    The National Council Representative, under the direction of the CEC, acts as liaison between the National Council and the Chapter.

    The role includes liaising with other Chapter Council Representatives; promoting Chapter interests at the national level; reporting to CEC on the activities of the National Council; assisting CEC members in ensuring that information or funds requested by the Chapter Executive Committee are provided in an expedient manner by the National Council; assisting the Treasurer in ensuring that financial obligations and agreements between the Chapter and CES are kept.

    Members At Large

    There are two Member At Large positions vacant. Members at Large may rotate through a series of roles to gain experience of and exposure to Council roles and responsibilities, processes and procedures. The current Member At Large roles are: 1. Supporting the CESBCY One-day Conference, 2. Supporting Professional Development and Communication. Members At Large may also propose a focus for their role over time based on their own interests.

    Member at Large - Website is also open for nominations.

    Regional Coordinator(s)- Lower Mainland, BC Interior, Vancouver Island, Yukon

    Regional Coordinators organize engaging events to bring together CESBCY members, partners and those interested in evaluation to build community, learn together, and develop evaluation competencies. There are currently vacancies in: 1. Interior, 2. Vancouver Island

  • 10 Nov 2016 18:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our Chapter AGM was held on November 4, 2016 at the MNP Tower (Vancouver). With Helen Hsu (Treasurer) and Jennifer Hall (Secretary) stepping away from our Chapter Executive Council (CEC), there were two vacant Council positions. In accordance with the structure and procedures laid out in our Chapter Bylaws, Sandra Sellick chaired our AGM election which produced the following results:

    • Treasurer; Penny Cooper was elected by acclamation
    • Secretary; Christina Chociolko was elected by acclamation
    • Member at Large (Membership Secretary); Carolyn Camman was elected by acclamation
    • Member at Large (Chair Events Committee); Fainula Rodrigues was elected by acclamation.

    Both Penny and Christina bring Council experience to their new positions.  Carolyn and Fainula are newly elected to the CEC and look forward to helping to serve the needs of our membership.

    Brian McGowan

    Chair, CESBCY 2016 Nominating Committee

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