Call for Abstracts

CESBC 2024 Evaluation Conference | Evolving Our Evaluation Practice for Shared Growth
When: October 4, 2024

Location: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings StreetVancouver, BC V6B 5K3

Abstracts Submission Overview

We are inviting all people interested in presenting at this year's CESBC Evaluation Conference to submit an abstract - Due Date has been extended to Wednesday July 10th, 2024, at 11:59pm PT.

There are two formats to choose from this year, one long and one short, as well as a new and emerging evaluator storytelling format to promote and encourage knowledge sharing among new and emerging evaluators. We encourage engaging and creative methods of presenting and knowledge sharing within these formats. 

Note: The conference venue at SFU has free Guest WiFi inside the building and available for all attendees to use. You may plan your presentation with this in mind. 

Please take the time to go through each topic outlined below on this page: 

A. Presentation Formats

Long Format: Interactive panel discussion, World Café, workshop (60 minutes)

  • In this format, a small group of facilitators will lead an engaging and interactive discussion, either in the form of a World Café, interactive panel, or an educational workshop.

Short Format: Short presentation (12 minutes + 6 minutes discussion)

  • Presentation and discussion of a tool, method, or experience.

Short Format: New and emerging evaluator storytelling  (5-10 minutes)

  • A short presentation for new and emerging evaluators and students to share about their work with peers, as it relates to any of the three streams. These presentations will be part of a 60 minute session for students and new and emerging evaluators. The exact format of the session will be determined once submissions are received.

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B. Submission Process Details

Please submit your abstract using this linked form. 

If the above hyperlink doesn't work, please click on or copy and paste the link below into a new browser window:

  • Multiple submissions by a primary presenter can be made; please submit one form for each abstract proposal. Proposals submitted by email will not be accepted.

Please make sure to have the following required information in your submission as outlined in the submission form:

1. Presentation title (20 word max)

2. Abstract (250 words)

3. Conference stream (choose one of three; see the Conference Theme page for details)

4. Presentation format (long and short formats listed above)

5. What is the relevance of your presentation to the conference stream, and how is your presentation suitable for the presentation type you selected? (max 100 words)

6. How do you plan on engaging the audience, and what will be the main takeaway from your presentation? (100 words maximum)

7. Full name and a short biography of each presenter (50 words maximum per bio and up to five presenters are permitted depending on the presentation format)

8. Affiliation - Name of workplace, organization, or institution

Note: Presentation title, abstract, and presenter bios will be printed in the program and on the conference website as submitted; so please ensure information is correct before submitting.

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C. Submission Assessment Criteria

Please note: The following assessment criteria will not be used to review abstract submissions for the New and Emerging Evaluator Storytelling Session. All submissions for this session will be accepted, given that there is enough information in the abstract submission to understand what the presenter would like to present and/or discuss with the group. 

New and emerging evaluators are also encouraged to submit abstracts for the other two session types (listed above). These submissions will be reviewed using the assessment criteria provided below.

Please keep in mind the following review criteria will be used to assess submissions.

1. Clarity: Does the proposal clearly outline what the presentation is about and how it will be presented? Is all of the required information present?

2. Appropriateness: Does the proposal fit the conference theme and the selected stream? Is it appropriate for the presentation type?

3. Usefulness: What relevant knowledge or skill will the presentation share with the evaluation community?

  • How does the proposal address broader issues in evaluation (i.e., methods and practice and not on the results or circumstances of a specific evaluation)?
  • Is the proposal relevant to any of the 5 CES competencies found here?

4. Presentation Style: How will attendees be supported in applying knowledge from the presentation to their own work? How will the information be presented in an interesting and engaging way that supports learning?

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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D. Application Due Date

The due date to submit proposals is Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, at 11:59pm PT.

Once the submission due date has passed, the program committee will review all abstracts. We will contact the primary presenters by the email used in the submission to inform them of the final decision by early August.

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We are committed to inclusive participation in our conference activities. Please contact us any time at to let us know how we can support you!

E. Inclusivity Resources  

Evaluators play a crucial role in addressing systemic issues that affect people's lives, and as part of this, we encourage presenters to consult the following resources to create respectful, inclusive, and accessible presentations. Note that this is not an exhaustive list of resources, and we encourage you to seek out resources specific to your presentation. 

We are continuing to build the list of resources to support inclusive presentations. If you have any resources that you want us to add to the list, please email us at

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F. Abstract Writing Workshop

Are you a new evaluator, an emerging evaluator, a student, or submitting an abstract for the first time? We want you to submit! As part of our commitment to make the conference more accessible, we aim to support those new to abstract writing and presenting, who are interested in sharing their valuable experience.

We are holding a virtual workshop "Tips for Writing an Abstract" and Q & A session on Monday, June 17th, 6-7pm PT. For more information and to register for the workshop, visit the event page link here

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